Friday, August 9, 2013

lost blog

So I started to start blogging again about John and fill you in on his birth story and the trip to Baltimore and realized that I had used my old work account for the previous blog and now its all LOST :( I guess that is what happens to you when you work do close up to your due date you forget that you wont be having your work email anymore. needless to stay I will still be blogging about our precious boy... just needed some time ... and now just add his middle name in the URL :)

1 comment:

  1. This is so precious. I find it fasinating and can't wait to hear the whole story. I was born when there was no ultra sound and at my 6 mo. well visit they heard a heart murmur. At age 6 they took me to Baltimore Md to be worked up with the cardiologist there and found out I had a hole in my heart. The hole that was supposed to close at birth didn't. So I had surgery to close it. I was in the first stages of heart failure when they got me there. I had to have another surgery in 2004 to repair the mitral valve they couldn't repair in 1959.They also found another issue and fixed it so the blood could flow out of the outflow valve better. We found out in 2004 that the type of congenital defect I was born with is common in Down Syndrome children!! We have a Big God!! Any kind of birth defect raises my radar/heart!! I am praying for you guys know that he has you wrapped up in his loving arms! keep blogging. Gayle Meagher
